Saturn's Destruction
Saturn's Destruction

Purity's Biography

Death Firefly's Biography

Inner Senshi Bios

Outer Senshi Bios

Star Light Bios

Sailor Moon Avatars

Death Firefly's Gallery

Contact Purity

Book of Silence

Silent Gateway

Welcome To the World of Silence

You have entered a realm of Death and Destruction. A world ruled by a power so great, it could destroy the very universe we live in. A child, so fragile, and so awakening....

  • Death Firefly's Biography
  • Purity's Biography (ME)
  • Death Firefly's Photo Gallery
  • Book of Silence (Guest Book)
  • Silent Gateway (Links)

Soldier of Death, Destruction, and Silence

Death Firefly

Death Firefly


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Site created by Purity

Soldier of Purity, Sailor Cosmos


Saturn's Destruction