Inner Senshi Bios
Saturn's Destruction

Purity's Biography

Death Firefly's Biography

Inner Senshi Bios

Outer Senshi Bios

Star Light Bios

Sailor Moon Avatars

Death Firefly's Gallery

Contact Purity

Book of Silence

Silent Gateway

My favorite Inner Senshi!


  Soldeir of Fire

Name: Hino Rei

Birthday: April 17

Astrological Sign: Aries

Color: Red/Black

Sailor Mars

  Soldier of Ice

Name: Mizuno Ami

Birthday: September 10

Astrological Sign: Virgo

Color: Blue

Sailor Mercury

  Soldier of Nature

Name: Kino Mikato

Birthday: December 5

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Color: Sugar Pink

Sailor Jupiter


Inner Senshi Bios